Every once in a while people will ask me questions! Sometimes I answer them! These are some fun ones!
"Pop Quiz with Andrew Cremeans" was my first time being interviewed for the magazine. Not only am I one of the biggest Metallica nuts on the planet, I was also star struck by Steffan Chirazi who wrote the article! I've read his work for decades!
Albeit briefly, I was on the second episode ever of the Metallica podcast, THE METALLICA REPORT.
I was interviewed by Renée Richardson the Director of Philanthropy for the All Within My Hands Foundation. If I had an hour I couldn't tell you how many ways Renée has changed my life. She is wonderful.
"Andrew Cremeans' 72 Seasons"
When I and a few other artists (whom I adore) had the opportunity to do lyric posters for Metallica's 72 Seasons album, we were all interviewed about them!

MANY moons ago I ran a music/creativity blog and I was honored to be able to interview some of my heroes about those very topics. You can check those out too below.
Big Bad Voodoo have been one of my favorite bands for decades (and will be until the day I die.) It was an honor to sit down with singer/song writer Scotty.
Roger Clyne writes songs that sound like how my soul feels. Chatting with Roger was a complete honor.